Wednesday, 2 November 2011

November Challenge: Day 2

Today I had only one thing in mind when it came to spending money, and that was discount candy and chocolate. Shoppers Drug Mart has 50% off all their Halloween candy while London Drugs has at least 50% off, but their selection is a little slim, at least it was at my London Drugs. Today's total spending was solely on chocolate and candy which came to $22.46.

These should last until boxing day when I plan on buying even more 50% off holiday candy. Yumm. 


  1. Nice to meet you. Now brace yourself as I won't beat around the bush. Unless you have unlimited dental insurance, you do not need any sweets/candy at all. Now repeat after frugal queen......I will not buy this filth again and will spend spare money on fresh veggiesxxxxxxxxxxxxx love froogsxxxx

  2. lol nice to meet you too Frugal Queen :). Yea no unlimited dental insurance for us but we do have unlimited amounts of toothpaste, well at least for the next year. I only promise to buy some apples so I can melt my chocolate on it. Heeheheh. Thanks for stopping by.
